Overview: October - December

Here's a look at what's coming up next, and a quick overview of the project to date.

Campeneros Group

On the 12th December we head to Spider Projects, Campeneros to host a group with members there. 

Birkenhead Market History Day 10.12.22

Write ups from your shared stories from the day!

Christ Church Oxton and the Wirral Deen Centre visits

This was two focus groups with members of their communities. 

Kath's Story

A story of a family who once lived at the Stork

The Stork History Night 01.12.22

A look at stories and write up from our night at the historic Stork Hotel in Birkenhead. 

OOMOO Memory Walk 

Take a read through our memory walk with the young people and team at OOMOO. 

Birkenhead Park History Day

We hosted a full day launch event at the iconic and historical Birkenhead Park. There were a number of activities throughout the day for people to drop in and get involved with.

Birkenhead Market Visit #1

On the 23rd November we headed; with 2 of our volunteers team over to Birkenhead Market to speak with stall holders about the projects and see what stories they had to share of the space both past and present. 

Drop Off Points

Read more here about the drop off points for the project. 

Volunteers Night 08/11/22

We had an evening to welcome our new volunteers for the project and shared stories together for the project.

The Digital Map & Facebook group launches

We begin our online platforms to engage online. Read more about them and how you can get involved and contribute! [read more]

Saving Ron's Place: Mapping Birkenhead

We took part in Saving Ron’s Place event at the end of September to speak with the public about their memories of Birkenhead. This was a brilliant event to help support and save Ron’s Place in Oxton. On the day we spoke to local people about what memories they had of Birkenhead with the market playing a key part in peoples recent and family memory.  [Read More]

Summer Festival: Sharing stories of Wirral

On the 20th August 2022, we began our mapping work with the local community at our 3rd Birthday. This was a brilliant first point to engage with local people to hear their stories of the area from Birkenhead and Beyond! Here are the first parts of that history told by you and your memories of place: [read more] 

Blog Post #1: Introducing the project

Convenience Gallery is delighted to be working with Historic England to uncover the working class histories of Birkenhead. This is part of Historic England’s Everyday Heritage Grants: Celebrating Working Class Histories. A new grant scheme was launched by Historic England earlier this year to support community-led projects and further the nation’s collective understanding of the past... [read more]

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